Wanna Chat me up?

Free Trial Chat - dial 1-509-876-JIZZ

Jizz me up...i'm a jizz girl...


Free Trial Chat
Call 1.509.876.JIZZ
That's 1-509-876-5499 Touch to Call

Free Trial Chat Lines are fun, especially when you get a free trial so that you can check out whether you like it or not. Most chat lines have free trials where you can chat with gals or guys for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Try one now by calling 1-509-876-5499

Some Chat Lines will even let you chat for hours before you are asked to buy a block of time. The cost of becoming a Member is usually only a fraction of the cost of a traditional phone-sex line.

A lot of old-school chat lines will charge $.99 to $3.99 per minute; whereas newer chat lines will offer you chat for a fraction of that cost. Why pay that much when good chat is available for a fraction of that cost.

Check out the number on this page. They offer the Best Chat and it’s FREE for women. Guys get up to 30 minutes free as well; then to become a member, packages of time start at about $4.99 for 15 minutes or more.